

Employ staff Utilise CIS subcontractors


Payroll Services for your Essex Based Business

As a business if you employ people or engage in subcontractors within the construction industry you will have a number of reporting requirements and under Real Time Reporting (RTI) there are expense penalties if not complied with.

At Plan A we provide you and your employees with weekly, fortnightly or monthly payslips. We calculate statutory pay such as maternity and sickness and also provide P45’s when required and P60’s at the end of the financial year.

In practice we have found that many people employ staff without ever issuing a proper employment contract. This can a prove a very costly mistake if an employment claim is ever made, not only in potential tribunal awards but in legal fees.

Plan A are able to supply a number of robust employment contracts to make your Essex based firm compliant from day one.

Engaging in construction industry subcontractors can also be daunting with the regulatory requirements, such as the issue of Payment and Deduction Statements (PDS’s). These are not only vitally important as a legal requirement for your firm but also key to your subcontractors being able to fulfil their own tax obligations. Let us deal with the hassle for you.

RTI submissions

  • Weekly/ fortnightly/Monthly payslips
  • Calculation of statutory payments
  • Employment contract advice and consultation

Plan A - Essex Accountancy at it's Best!